we have a family of black ones in our neighborhood- I like them best!Do you prefer red or grey squirrels ?
The red ones, but I like to watch both!!
Grey squirrels, but then again that's because there's an abundance of red squirrels here. I like seeing the rare/uncommon.
i like the red ones. they are more common in ireland =]
Oh! I like them all, but the red ones are sooooooooooo cute!!!!
In Anglesey, North Wales the grey ones are seen as pests and a colony of reds have been introduced and are thriving. The grey ones out compete the reds and can give them squirrel pox from which they have no immunity though they believe some squirrels have developed resistance now.
the gray squirrrels are slower and bigger and the red squirrels are really fast and they are nasty they will run after and chase a gray squirrel away.
Red, because they were here first!!!!!!!!!
red x3
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