Sorry to animal lovers, I do not wish to offend, but.
We have non-native greys digging up non-existant items, so I shot a couple for food.
Also a pigeon or three.
Well, the family loved the home-made pies %26amp; casseroles.
But I still feel a bit guilty about taking out critters for food.
I am no veggy, %26amp; beleive in nutrition from animals.
Heck, A Lion would not bother about eating me.
Any thoughts ?
My Uncle arrived about 45 odd Christmas's ago with a swan in his motorbike %26amp; sidecar.
Illegal, and it wouldn't fit in the oven
BobI see that grey squirrels %26amp; wild pigeons are now classified as pests, so would you shoot %26amp; eat one ?
great fun!! i used to shoot all the time with a high powered logun s-16 pre charged air rifle, but had to sell it because i moved to spain and didn't know the shooting laws. i used to eat pigeons all the time and rabbits. GOOD EATING!!! i have never tryed a squirrel before but i would love to! i have shot and killed a fox before with the same gun one shot between the eyes!! i couldnt beleive a 2.2 pellit would kill a fully grown fox but it didI see that grey squirrels %26amp; wild pigeons are now classified as pests, so would you shoot %26amp; eat one ?
As long as it is done humanely and with a licenced weapon it is not a problem at all, they are vermin. It needs to be wood pigeon as they eat better food like farmers crops, (that is why they are classed as a pest). The sort of pigeon you see in Trafalgar Square eat any old rubbish.
The grey squirrel is also classed as vermin as they too destroy crops and the nests of ground nesting birds. The do-gooders who rescue injured ones and release them back into the wild are breaking the law.
';Heck, A Lion would not bother about eating me.'; Yeah, but the lion would die if it stopped eating meat. You wouldn't.
I think it's better to kill an animal for food than buy it in a shop.
Because the animal you kill will have had a life thats natural to it, whearas the shop one will have spent it's entire life in a factory farm.
So technically, hunting is more ethical.
Obv. it would be even more ethical to go veggie but Im not gonna start preaching at you :D
Pests are called pests because they are full of parasites.
If they weren't getting in the way of your way of life, I don't see the point in shooting them. Imagine if someone shot you just because they labeled you a pest. Labels are tricky like that.
If you aren't starving, don't go out of your way to kill other living creatures.
I think humans are pests. =)
Anyway, when do you ever think in your life where you would encounter a wild lion. It's not very likely is it. Lions don't hunt unless they have a very good reason. They never hunt unless they're hungry. Even then, there are ways to protect yourself from an attack.
Did you know humans are the only animals that hunt when they are not hungry. Shows you how stupid we are. Haha
They're called pests because they're dirty, why would you eat a dirty animal!!?? Pigeons, rats and other vermin are full of parasites, so enjoy.
They taste rubbish.
And you have a small oven.
Get an Aga.
Oh, and a life.
They were classed as pests,when I was shooting in the 70s.
Don't like the taste of either!
I would and I do.
I'd eat pigeon, but not squirrel.
Any thoughts on what? Trolling? Try eating wild troll..it's delicious
Nice. What did you shoot them with?
';Heck, A Lion would not bother about eating me.';
This is a typical meat-eaters view. It is wrong. Lions will die if they do not eat meat, they simply cannot survive on plants...whereas we can.
Have you ever met a vegetarian? And were they alive? Well that is your answer.
Every human has the choice, either way we will live, but we can either live a guilt-free life, free from murder, or we can slaughter our voiceless friends simply for our own pleasure. Yes, eating meat is a pleasure, we don't need it.
Act now.
It's your choice, do whichever but only you know what it right and what is wrong.
squirrels and pigeons always have been classified as vermin, the former had a bounty placed on it after the war by the government which stood for many years, and it is illegal to raise them in captivity, the french colet dove made such a nuisance of itself it went from highly protected to vermin in a 20 year period.
its illegal to discharge a firearm on xmas day, you can also buy oven-ready pheasants on a tray for 拢2.50, much tastier and you don't have to prepare them.
the main damage caused by squirrels is bark stripping and shoot damage which kills trees and stunts growth, also if you're putting down 50 ton of grain in six months to feed pheasants, squirrels eat a significent part of this.
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