Tuesday, January 19, 2010

GREY SQUIRRELS detterant needed?

I have trouble with grey squirrels eating the bird food and digging up bulbls and plants can somebody reccomend a cheapish detterantGREY SQUIRRELS detterant needed?
You are going to think I'm nuts (pardon the pun) but I had a problem with squirrels as well. They kept digging up my bulbs I planted and digging in pots etc. I didn't want to kill them (only because it would have been cruel) so I came up with another solution and so far its worked!

I bought a sling shot and I have some little hard candies from Halloween last year. I aim for just near enough to them to scare the jeebers out of them and so far they've gotten the message! I've only managed to actually hit one or two (not because my aim is lousy but because I don't actually aim at them!) I don't think it would hurt them very badly if you aimed for their tails!

Other than that...I've seen a bird feeder that spins around when the weight of a squirrel jumps on it. Saving my pennies for that one. Should be good for a laugh even if it doesn't work! *L*

Good Luck!GREY SQUIRRELS detterant needed?
Life is full of mean and sad things. Gotta laugh when you can!

Squirrels have been the bain of my life with regard to my garden. Just be persistent. Hope it works for you. If nothing else...its a great stress reliever! (P.S. Watch the neighbors, windows and ricochet!)

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get a .22 rifle, or even just a good high-power pellet gun......after taking a few cracks at them, they will start to stay away. Like in Caddyshack how about some c4 in the shape of animals....Hello Mr. Gopher, it's me Mr. Bunny and I won't hurt you. Why don't you come out and play?
I use a surface to air rocket launcher, hope this helps !
been there tried all things. They still get to bird food and dig up bulbs/flowers. Its cause they have stashed their nuts earlier in year for wwhen there a food shortage
Get a live trap. As you catch them take them at least 7 miles away (or they will find their way back) and let them loose. Even though they are rodents there are laws about killing them.
B-B gun works great. You get their attention and they will figure it out real quick that they are not wanted there!!!!
I don't really know about getting rid of squirrels Ill be interested in seeing your answers however check out this website its good for a laugh www.illwillpress.com
Grey squirrels are tree rats. They destroy trees and red squire ls', who are no relation, habitats to the extent that they are driving the reds to extinction. To my knowledge, there is no control on destroying them. There are enough in their native country. We need to eradicate them here, totally.
If you live where it's appropriate, shoot them with a 22 rifle. Lots of people like squirrel gravy, and squirrels make a great pot pie.
put fat balls out for the birds instead i dont think squirrels like them
The suggestion of a shot gun is over the top, you need an air rifle, but do NOT shoot over anybody else's garden.

If a air rifle is not feasible use humane traps, then drop it in the water butt. Grey squirrels are vermin and desperately need gulling.
Get a HOT pepper and smother it with peanutbutter. Sit back and watch!
Live next to woodland. Tried all the deterrants Garden Centres sell...Crap! So, decided to feed them! Chuck out collected acorns from my sisters land, buy monkeynuts and after xmas cheap nuts and lob em in the woods! They dont dig up my bulbs now, or visit (and destroy) my bird feeders.

(bonus is I now have peanut, oak, chestnut and 2 walnut trees growing in the woods)!
get a shot gun

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