It's a waste of time. All you can do is reduce the population. Unless you wipe them out completely, their populations will build up again, rather quickly. Blame yourselves for destroying the red squirrels' habitat, replacing it with habitat that favors the grey.Should there be a cull of Grey Squirrels in the UK, Yeh or Ney?
Don't you mean should the cull stop?鈥?/a>
I want to keep our little red ones, I'm British.
I'm saying Ney P but I wouldn't mind getting rid of the 2 pesky feckers who live in the tree at the bottom of my garden who terrorise my cat and nick all the food I leave out for the birds !!!
yes they are not native to Britain. they are killing the native red squirrels. i live in scotland we watch out for these illegal vermin and then niolate then.
Grey squirrels are tree rats. vermin, and very destructive. The only life they know is that of destruction.
They don't particularly bother me, but I know that they ought not be here and they are killing the red squirrels... but then again, does it matter?
Yeh, bloody immigrants!
No Why do you want to kill these animals? Let Nature look after itself
NO. There should be a cull of the british for the exact same
reasons as in Colin why's answer !
So long as they're not throwing bombs on the British squirrels....NEY.
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey P!!
Ney - they might get you first !
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