Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Should there be a cull of grey squirrels in the UK? there be a cull of grey squirrels in the UK?
Awww, poor squirrels.

But, yes, they should be culled.

I would suggest eating them, as many people do over here in the US. The people who are complaining about killing them might be less upset if it is portrayed as ';killing for food in tough economic times'; rather than ';culling';.Should there be a cull of grey squirrels in the UK?
Yes, should have been done years ago before the problem got as out of control as it is.

Grey squirrels are not native, they are a pest species.

The problem is that mainly urban voters see them as cute and cuddly so the government is scared to allow culling through fear of a backlash.

If they lived in the country as I do then they would see the damage the grey does not only to the resident red squirrel population but also to native tree species.

But folk don't, they don't step outside of their own little world but they think they know everything.

The grey squirrel numbers needs to be checked....not wiped out, that should never happen to any animal...not even an animal that shouldn't really be here.

Just kept in check by a cull system.
Yes. We need to start eating them, actually. We can do our bit by making them into squirrel casseroles and squirrel curries.
Yes if it saves the reds as they are taking over their habitat
damned immigrant squirrels coming over here and taking our british squirrels nuts
Make something nice out of them.

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