Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grey Squirrels 130 years ago?

Ive been woundering, when and how were the grey squirrels introduced into the UK?

Thank You^^Grey Squirrels 130 years ago?
Grey squirrels are an alien species and were introduced to the UK from the USA in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century. Their success has been to the detriment of our native red squirrels.Grey Squirrels 130 years ago?
I do not think there is a documented specific date of when they arrived in the U.K.. They were however just one of many things brought back from the America to show some of what was in the new world. Like many things people sot a need to have them. Captivity in those times always ensured non-native species would escape. Which is one reason why the U.K. has a wild breeding population of mandarin ducks.

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