Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mating of Eastern Grey Squirrels???

Need information on mating of Eastern Grey squirrels and how they communicate with others.Mating of Eastern Grey Squirrels???
Hi's a information on mating rituals of the Eastern Grey Squirrels:

The Eastern Gray Squirrel is a hardy squirrel that breeds twice a year. They go through an odd little mating ritual, which includes a sprint through the forest after a fierce battle to determine who's top dog among males. Once this has been decided, the female and the top male mate, and babies are born about a month and a half later. The baby squirrels are born in a nest built by the mother, and three months later, are ready to leave the nest and strike out on their own.



Its large tail, fun to observe, provides protection, shade and warmth, and assists with communication and balance. If a squirrel is caught by its tail, the tail can break at the mid-point and allow the squirrel to escape.


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