Well some of us are already eating them, cornish pasty things.
But what about a massive cull as mentioned in the article?
Views tvm.Should we cull the grey squirrels in order to protect the red squirrels?
This is what happens when the arrogance of mankind interferes yet again with nature! and there will probably have to be a cull to protect the other. If nature was left alone each species would find it's place, as intended but it seems mankind think they know better and hence the tragic consequences..... There is some hope it seems. hopefully!
http://www.highlandredsquirrel.co.uk/ind鈥?/a>Should we cull the grey squirrels in order to protect the red squirrels?
Reading the article, it seems that there may be better and more realistic solutions. The grey squirrel so hugely outnumbers the red that I should think that the culling would have to be so drastic as to pretty much wipe the grey squirrel out. As far as I know, there are some small area's where there are workable numbers of the red, these should be protected, and in the rest of the country they should just be left alone.
Michael has it right - eradication of the interlopers.
I do my bit but grey squirrels have to be stewed for about three hours to separate their flesh and bones so although rather tasty, they are tedious to cook.
Special care has to be taken when skinning squirrels as their claws are really sharp.
I want the two in my garden to be culled . Them two specifically. Nicking socks of the washing line to make beds for their endless babies and also tormenting my cat.
What annoys me slightly is why all our indigenous species are so fey and weedy. You look at the grey squirrel and it has legs like a footy player. The red just prance about trying to look gorgeous. If they spent less time trying to get their pictures on biscuit tins they might stand a chance.
Hey Why not? we could eat them afterwards =]
But anyway those greys kill all the red ones which are like nearly extinct.
i think it would be a good idea to cull the greys but then there are the issues of AnimalCruelty and stuff like that
Yes. The red squirrel is the indigenous breed and should be protected. Other species are culled in order to control them so why not the grey squirrel?
Edit: I have read what I want to into Michael's answer - and I agree!!
Even the grey squirrels are fudged now; there's a new mutated strain of black squirrels that is working its way through the population. Haven't read the article, so if im just repeating stuff ignore me...
When will man stop acting as God? Species have come and gone for millions of years so what makes red squirrels so special? Or is it more a question of aesthetics?
For sure... It's probably too late, but that's the good old effect of humans on nature for you. It's like how the rabbits ate up Australia.
The grey squirrels came from America. Having invaded a country, they were successful. Not bad for Americans.
Only in the areas that red squirrels are already in. They are not a danger in the other areas.
I would take the view that all foreign invaders that displace the indigenous species should be 'thinned out'!
Read into that what you will!
Cull the brown rats to save the grey rats.
A neutering programme would suffice.
no because then the purple squirrels will get upset
Yes get rid of all of them they're not a native species!!!
They should be culled
i hate squirrels nasty things , and i dont like cornish pasties thank god lol
Yes, we should kill the evil little critters by the million.......now where's my gun I'll go get started !
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