Simply on the grounds of natural selection, do we have any right now to intervene if grey squirrels are genetically superior.
how many grey squirrels is it ethical to cull to save 1 red squirrel,
does anyone think it will make a difference, can humans alter evolution of a species.Is it ethical to kill grey squirrels to try and preserve red squirrel numbers?
No. But that has never stopped man doing things before. Not so long ago the red squirrel was as common as the grey is today. So man decided that they were 'a pest' and slaughtered, sorry 'culled', them all. They even put a bounty on each red killed! I say just leave them alone and let nature decide.Is it ethical to kill grey squirrels to try and preserve red squirrel numbers?
There is a theory that the grey squirrel has not actually killed he red squirrel but has simply moved into its territory when populations of red squirrels went into decline because of habitat degradation.
In any case bumping off all the grey squirrels, were this possible, would not bring back the red in huge numbers. the habitats that they live in happily are far too restricted nowadays, due to the way we've managed the landscape in the intervening years.
So I don't agree that the rise of the grey squirrel is due to any superior genetic attributes over the red. they just live in different surroundings.
There was also a move to get British people to eat grey squirrel rather as people will eat rabbit, in order o reduce the population. However, although there are one or two butchers who have squirrel meat, most people think they are rather cute and wouldn't want to taste squirrel stew.
see this article:鈥?/a>
';The ultimate ethical meal: a grey squirrelIt tastes sweet, like a cross between lamb and duck. And it's selling as fast as butchers can get it.';
I believe squirrel is listed as game in some parts of America.
As to the last part of the question - we've already altered the evolution of many species, such as domestic dogs and cats, horses, cattle etc and with genetic engineering will continue to do so in grotesque ways.
It's a question of whether or not you believe red squirrels should continue to exist as a species. I think the case is overwhelming for the preservation of the species.
Mere culling of grey squirrels will not help. It needs to be selective. The only solution is the maintaining of red squirrel ';havens';, and there are many in the north of England, which have trees more suited to the reds, together with the culling of greys. There is no question that this approach works very well, so I think we should continue with it. I see no point in watching an entire species become extinct - we have too much of that already in the world.
I have never heard that grey squirrels are genetically superior, its the fact that they are now more numerous and have almost wiped out the red squirrel in most parts of the British Isles. I would say that you cannot now do anything about the grey squirrels unless you cull them, and unlikely the animal authorities will allow that. Suggest that areas with red quirrels are protected and that there are so few more should be done. Man's interference and hunting has caused many
species to die out, perhaps we should dispose of man instead. Bear, wolf, elk all roamed freely once, but most seem opposed to their reintroduction because of farmers and livestock which would be at risk.
that was on Countryfile this morning. I just don't know to be honest, personally i couldnt kill a squirrel, but i heard they carry a disease, and diseases can mutate and start to affect people too, i guess it's for ours and the red squirrels own good. think the people who made the decision to wipe out the greys have their reasons and they have the interest of the enviornment at heart.
I think there is rarely a reason to kill any living creature, however, I do think they should do exactly what they did before but in opposite - i.e. find them all and take them back where they came from...Much like illegal immigrants.
Right that's it - squirrels are the illegal immigrants of the animal kingdom.
Like a small grey
coffee pot,
sits the squirrel.
He is not
all he should be,
kills by dozens
trees, and eats
his red-brown cousins
The keeper on the
other hand,
who shot him, is
a Christian and
loves his enemies,
which shows
the squirrel was not
one of those
Yes it is this is not a question of natural selection as this is not the grey's native habitat.
The american Grey is destroying the Reds capability of sustaining itself and our native wildlife should be protected at all costs.
in actual fact, because the grey squirrel is not indigenous to the uk, by law one is supposed to kill it if one is found injured....
grey squrrels shouldend mix with the red anyway
if it was up to me id kill all the greys in the uk
because the greys killed off alotta reds which wrere natives
id do the same with other greys too....but thats another thing
Whose ethics?
Some people would say that we need to save the red squirrel from extinction. Others would say it's none of our damn business.
why stop at squirrels then? should we see the panda extinct too and tigers etc.?
The grey squirrel carries a disease deadly to the reds. They're not superior.
Forget if it right or wrong Cars are killing grey squirrels by the hundreds ever day of the week. Nature will take its course one way or another.
Yes - red squirrels should have artillery support - perhaps we should actually arm the red ones ... that might even things out.
i was walking in the lakes and there was a sign that said ';if you see a grey squirrell ring this number'; apparently they come and kill them..
We have no right to interfere with grey squirrels. Its a bit like saying ';lets kill all immigrants because they breed more';
To protect the red squirrels we will have to cull some greys.
Shoot, eat the grey freaks. They taste better than rabbit or beef.
To cull the trolls is a much better prospect...When can we start?
Why dont we preserve and breed them
then we can have secret squirrels lol
what a waste--are they good eatin'?
I dunno but they sure are tasty!
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