Monday, January 18, 2010

What color is a young grey squirrel? Are they red?

I have a yard full of them. They are grey, but they coexist with Red Squirrels so you could be seeing both, as I do all the time. Hope I helped.What color is a young grey squirrel? Are they red?
A newborn squirrel is born pink and hairless. Within the first week, the skin appears to turn grey, that is the fur beginning to develop under the skin. Usually the first hair you see on them is their whiskers. The ears will open the third week of their life. Their eyes do not open until they are 5 weeks old.What color is a young grey squirrel? Are they red?
Grey squirrels vary in color, from a reddish-tan to black. If you saw a squirrel with hair that would be called red on a human, it was probably a red squirrel, not even in the same genus as the grey.

BTW, how did this get filed under ';Birds';?
I agree with Jack, newborn grey squirrels are pink and hairless, with their

little eyes closed (kinda like baby robins and sparrows)

Later into the squrriels life, it is redish brownish. Then its fur

fades into grey...(thats why its called grey squirrel lol)

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