Saturday, January 16, 2010

How long will a grey squirrel last without a tail?

we have a grey squirrel in our garden without a tail it seems to be fit and healthy but we wonder how long it can lastHow long will a grey squirrel last without a tail?
I have several squirrels in my garden and over the years a few have been caught by foxes and managed to escape. So they ended up with half,sometimes,less than half a tail. They're all ok. The fur grew back,but,obviously,the bone didn't. They're still looking healthy and happy!How long will a grey squirrel last without a tail?
If there isn't any blood or sign of injury then it can live just as long as any other squirrel a few years. However (may be graphic) if the tail is a bloody stump with blood oozing everywhere. And its running around like a chicken with its head cut off then I'd say a few minutes... Lol The squirrel just won't be able to balance as good as most. You can feed him to help him out. Peanut, carrots, acorns, walnuts, cashew...etc. Hope I helped!
Their tail helps them keep their balance. He/She will probably live a long life,losing it's tail has probably saved its life, a Predator has most likely bitten it off.
if it looks clean and as though its healing it should be ok. the tail is just for balance so it'll just have a bit more trouble climbing on trees. :)
well mine did not last long after losing its tail as it got it stuck in a blender then the rest of the body followed. Squirrels + Blenders = squirrel smoothee
If its not a fresh wound.

It will last as long as they live with no adverse affects other than some balance issues...
what no tail wow just make sure its not infected

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