Saturday, January 16, 2010

There are now so many Squirrels on the Isle of Wight? Did man blame the grey squirrel for something he did?

I was wondering if man is really to blame for the decline in the red squirrel population in the UK. Some people say they are vermin. Did the grey squirrel get a bad press?

Red squirrels are going to be re-introduced in uk. How can we protect them?There are now so many Squirrels on the Isle of Wight? Did man blame the grey squirrel for something he did?
They will out compete grey squirrels in conifer forests. In cities and in deciduous forests and urban areas, the greys will out compete them.

By introducing grey squirrels to a decidous forest area and cities, man has doomed the red squirrel in those areas. There anything man does is just delaying the inevitable.

I did my masters work on squirrels.There are now so many Squirrels on the Isle of Wight? Did man blame the grey squirrel for something he did?
Grey squirrels were originally brought over by ship from America for Victorians to have as 'pets' in cages. A few escaped, started breeding rapidly and attacked and killed our natived red squirrel 'Tufty' for those of you who are old enough to remember Tufty road safety campaign and the badges from the 60's. Red squirrels can be seen in parts of Scotland and Brownsea Island. Grey squirrels eat bird eggs and strip off bark from trees.
kill the grey squirrel......they kill the red squirrel.....kill kill kill!

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