Saturday, January 16, 2010

What are your views on the proposed plans for the mass slaughter of grey squirrels?鈥?/a>

Should humans intervene to save the endangered red squirrel, or should we allow nature and 'survival of the fittest' to take it's course?What are your views on the proposed plans for the mass slaughter of grey squirrels?
It's sadly needed. If someone had not interfered in the first place and released grey squirrels into the UK we would not need to be doing it. There is nothing natural about grey squirrels in the UK, they are a completely alien American species. They should be exterminated before they do any more damage.

Where I live (Scottish Borders) we used to have one of the highest populations of red squirrels in the UK. They were everywhere. I saw my first grey in the area about 18 years ago and they have successfully invaded and forced the native reds into a few isolated pockets.

Greys not only carry the virus that kills reds, they are also responsible for eating birds eggs and young chicks as well as damaging forestry.

When it comes to wildlife, I am a natives only type of person. Alien species have destroyed too much of our native fauna and flora.

They should be cleaned up like any other environmental pollutant.

edit. My only comment on Old Know Alls ideas are that habitat for reds is not exclusive to pine forest and that the habitats that they had round here are still intact. The reds do well within native woodlands either deciduous or pine. I know this as I have been a wildlife surveyor and have seen more red squirrels than most.What are your views on the proposed plans for the mass slaughter of grey squirrels?
The plans are based upon mistaken zoology. (If Dawkins wants to talk about theology, I'll talk about zoology).

Grey and red don't compete for food. They eat different things. Red squirrels are more specialised eaters and it's the lack of pine forests that has been the main cause of them moving North. Reds are at risk because of a viral disease. It also effects greys, but it's not fatal for them. Killing off the greys won't save the reds - they're quite capable of spreading diseases amongst themselves.

If we want to save the red squirrel, we need more pine forest and treatment for disease. We've wiped out rabies among European foxes and we can wipe out squirrel flu.
Grey squirrels are really intelligent and cute and make great outdoor pets. A grey squirrel that lived in a tree behind my house readily took to my family and would come up onto my deck and stand up and beg for a peanut. When she had a baby the baby also came up with no fear even when my cat was on the deck and beg for peanuts. This went on for 15 years, as they live a long time and are very loving and friendly. I always looked forward to seeing mom and baby outside. They were a part of my family.
I can't believe they're going to do this - a few thick headed oafs with rifles showing how manly they are shooting a lovely little creature like that! I know the greys were introduced here and won't share territory with the reds but between them both there's nothing to choose just colour - is this what it's coming down to? We can shoot something grey because it's vermin and yet leave alive something red because it's cute? Sickening!!!
Defiantly cull them not only are they kicking the crap out of our native red but they do so much damage to our crops, They damage my allotment after planting expensive seeds.

Plus i have caught many of them and dropped them in a tank of water (sad and unlucky i know) but if you catch them and put them out of there misery quick they are very tasty to eat if you catch them at the right time of year (usually end of autumn) after they have eaten lots of seeds and berries. So yes lets sort this big problem out KILL THE GREY......
It isn't all about red squirrels, they breed like rats and pigeons, and they are classed as vermin, which are culled. Would you prefer to be overrun.
I think they should be used as a food source, they make very good eating and taste really nutty.
The Red squirrel population at Formby is in real danger, the squirrel Pox has finally arrived after many years fighting to keep it at bay.

From a population of 3,000 last year there are less than 300 squirrels left in the pine woods now. One of the few outposts in england could be finished by the end of this year.

I like to see grey Squirrels, but we have to help our own native squirrel. Remember what happened in Australia after rabbits where introduced there?
The grey squirrels are immigrants and need to be culled because they are taking over from the red squirrels and rumour has it that the grey squirrels are muslims.
Grey, red, purple, whatever. Starlings too. Release the cats!
thats terrible you wouldnt like it if they did it to you!

leave the squirrels alone!
Get rid. They are vermin.
kill them.

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