uhm, none! a rat is awsome =]Which is a better pet, a guinea pig or a grey squirrel?
A guinea pig because you can hold it the squrriel might chew off ur hand.
A guinea pig. Grey squirrels are vermin and carry disease.
definetly the guinea pig!
guinea pigs are great pets. squirrels are illegal to have in many counties - check first. if you have a squirrel and it's illegal and someone finds out, they have the authority to euthanize the animal - not cool. Also, i've done some work with squirrels - they tend to bond only to one person - so it makes it hard to have friends near it because it will act aggressive towards people it doesn't know. go with a guinea pig.
A grey squirrel is a wild animal. If you try to keep one as a pet you will probably get bit as it escapes and you won't have a pet anymore. Get a guinea pig.
A squirrel????? They bite.... hard!
A guinea pig is boring beyond believe and you have to clean their hutch and it stinks.
get a cat. They are much better.
I think that a guinea pig is legal, but a Grey squirrel isn't.
Are gray squirrels even legal to keep as pets? In a lot of states, they would be illegal, so you might want to check up on that first.
I would recommend a guinea pig, though. They are cute, cuddly, friendly, and fun to watch and learn from. They make great pets and the upkeep and general care is easy. You will need to spend at least 30 minutes per day with this pig and clean out the cage weekly, spot cleaning once a day if desired. The food and bedding is a weekly-monthly cost, and you should use either Oxbow or Mazuri food brands, and Carefresh or Aspen bedding. Make sure you have the time, knowledge, responsibility and most importantly, LOVE for this animal! Do your research and don't rush into getting it as a lot of people get a new pet, love it for a week, then get bored with it and toss it aside, leaving the animal to be abused and mistreated.
Good luck!
Neither, I highly recommend a chichilla. They are not only really CUTE but they are quiet, docile, and intelligent animals. They are kind of funny, instead of bathing in water they bathe in dust or sand. Chinchillas are a must!!! Chinchillas are a better alternative to rats and gerbils.
check the links below
It's is advised that u must be gentle and not create a huge raucus. they prefer a quiet habitat
Well seeing as wild animals are against FEDERAL LAW to keep as pets, you will have to go with a guinea pig.
GUINEA PIG ALL THE WAY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
having a squirrel is pretty unique
totally squirrel. cant say ive had one, but its a squirrel! :p thatd be cool if i had one, one of my friends do (they live on a farm with different types of animals, like their emu)
Although a Grey Squirrel would make an awesome and unique pet, a Guinea Pig is better.
They are cheaper and friendlier. I imagine the upkeep is probably similar, but Guinea Pig food and treats are going to be easier to find. I have no idea what a Grey Squirrel would eat...I didnt even know people kept Grey Squirrels as pets. Odd. (lol)
I have two guinea pigs myself. So you know I am going to say a guinea pig. They are so cute. They really don't stink as long as you clean out the cage. You have to clean up after it just like any other animal. Guinea pigs all the way.
Guinea pig!!! Squirrles bite, and they carry rabies.
The guinea pig.
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